Educating Independent Baptists in Virginia

The first of three key targets for VAIB involves strengthening liberties by maintaining awareness of political issues and pursuing strategic relationships. However, this first target requires that we pursue two additional targets in order to be successful. The second vital target is to educate church members throughout the state of Virginia about key issues and potential legislation that may affect our religious liberties. This target is essential to making our overall mission work effectively. If we are not aware of potential threats to our liberties and how best to address them, our voice will not be heard in the state capitol and our position on important issues will be weakened.
How will we educate?
Educating our constituency has been an area of weakness for us in the past--one we plan to actively address as we move forward into this next year. One goal of the new web site and communication plan is to more fully articulate what is taking place in the capitol and to provide extensive materials to educate our constituents regarding current issues of concern. One specific way we plan to accomplish this is through a monthly communication piece called "VirginiaVoice." This publication is designed to educate Baptists regarding the legislative process, highlight current issues of concern, and point out various ways we can become involved in influencing government toward biblical positions on the issues. In addition our web site will publish resources, links, and tools for further investigation into topics that affect pastors and church members.
Why will we educate?
Our education agenda is aimed at building a strong desire for action on the part of independent Baptist churches. Our hope is that as Virginia independent Baptists become more aware of the issues affecting them and understand better how they can effect change they will develop a strong bias for action, making our work at the capitol that much more successful. The more pastors and church members who will engage the issues and lend their voice to the defense of religious liberty at the capitol, the stronger our voice will be in defense of religious liberty.
Ways we will educate church members on both state and federal political issues that face independent Baptists in Virginia:
  1. Monthly "VirginiaVoice" publications sent via mail or email
  2. An annual conference that will provide forums and information on the important topics we are facing in the capitol
  3. Periodic visits to your church, if desired, to make your church members more aware of the issues affecting them and to encourage them to make their voice heard
  4. Links, resources, forms, and articles on the web site to provide an additional means of communication regarding key issues